Saturday, March 20, 2010

family update

For Spring Break we spent a few days in Jackson Hole. It was really fun to get away and have some family time.

Kailey is almost done with second grade. We got her reprt card last week... she has all 4's (above grade level). She has lost 2 teeth.... finally! She has been enjoying the past few days of warmish weather. She likes to ride the neighbor's horses all by herself.

Kennedy is as sassy as ever. We have to register for kindergarten in just one month. She can finally write her name and we've been working on recognizing the ABC's. Most of the time she dresses herself and her outfits can be pretty wacky. She got a life jacket for the pool in Jackson Hole and was all over the place.
Kamden is 6 months old now! He can roll over both ways and sit up on his own for short amounts of time. He is on the small side... 13 lbs 8 oz an just under 25 inches. He loves to give kisses and pull hair. Pretty soon he will be crawling and then we will all be in trouble.
He isn't flipping the bird in this pic... you just cant see his other finger (it's in his mouth)


  1. So does that mean you are going to put Kennedy in swim lessons??

  2. Ya... she and Kailey both want to sign up this summer.

